Clever Contact is a division of Webworx. Wehavebeenapplyingpost,telemarketing,digitalandweb technologiesformanyyears,helpingcompaniesprosperin theconstantlychangingbusinesssceneandvaryingprospect behaviours. Weknowaboutsalesandselling.Andweknowhowmuch harderitisbecomingtocaptureandwintheattentionand interestofpropsectiveclients.Butcorporatesurvival depends on that. That is what we do.CleverContactworksinconjunctionwithanumerouslocal andinternationalpartnersandassociatestohelpsupportthe range of services and activities we undertake.TheCleverContactteamisskilledanddedicated,sharing thecorporategoalandvisionofthecompany-helpingour clientfirmsprosperthroughmarketingtotheirIdeal Prospective Clients in the best possible way.Clever Contact can help build your business.
Clever Contact is a division of Webwox dedicated to assiting our ciient firms achieve their goals through the application of strategic thought, expertise and the best available technologies.
Clever Contactis a special division of The Webworx Group. We have been applying digital technologies for many years, helping companies make the best use of the constantly changing digital horizon and people behaviours. We know about sales and selling. And we know how much harder it is becoming to capture and win the attention and interest of propsective clients. But corporate survival depends on that. And we can help.CleverContactworksinconjunctionwithaEuropeanspecialist marketingcompany-SalesAR;theyemploythesamebasiccampaign structuresandprinciplesasCleverContactandhavesuccessfullyapplied these in developing client list over a number of years. They provide a valuable resource for Clever Contact.